Treasure Signs and Symbols 101

The Letter B, M, and the Number 13
here he explains the Letter type of treasure maps,again out if front of all the rehashed books on the subject…

Other letters can also be used to guide you to this hidden info. The capital letter “B” is also used. It will be written in such a way that this letter will look more like the number 13. The number 13 is another code for the owl, and the owl is one of the most important treasure room symbols that you can find, both on maps as well as in the field. The number 13 comes from the owl itself. The owl is a major symbol that is still used by the secret society, and they know it as the “Owl of Minerva.” The “M” from the word “Minerva” is used, and of course the “M” is the 13th letter of the alphabet, hence the use of the number 13. One more thing about the “M.” Treasure hunters have been taught that when they find an “M” in the field that it is telling you to “go to the next valley” or something along those lines. The truth is, when you find an “M” in the field (if it is all by itself) you are being told to “look for the Owl, the Owl of Minerva,” that you are very close to a major accumulation room. This same holds true for the number 13 (when found in the field). On paper maps, when you find the capital “B” that looks more like “13,” you want to hold your ruler along the “1” part of the 13.

Of all the maps that you will come into contact with as a treasure hunter, by far the most complicated are the maps carved onto rocks and boulders (as well as other places). Known as rock maps, these maps will do two things: first of all they will lead you to the correct spot to dig. This depends, of course, on your own ability to decipher these rocks and the symbols that are carved on them. Secondly, these maps of stone will try, very successfully, to lead you astray and take you further away from your goal.
I strongly suggest that any and all treasure hunters buy a copy of the book titled “The Rocks Begin to Speak,” by LeVan Martineau. I cannot even begin to put enough emphasis on why this book is so vital to your success as a treasure hunter. The main reason for learning the information in this book is simple, this technique of leaving information carved on rock, which was “invented” by the native peoples, is also a technique that was copied by the “society.” In fact, some the very same symbols used by the natives were also used by the society and, in a few cases, the very same meanings are applied.

The number 8 is an important treasure symbol. It also has many other symbols that are connected to it.
The letter H is the alphabetical equivalent to the 8, and as you already know, the H is an important symbol that represents a tunnel.

The Biblical meaning for the number 8 is “new beginnings.” This “new beginning” can also be applied to the New World (as America was called in the “beginning.” Also, The New World Order can be applied to this “new beginning” meaning. It is a new world that the Illuminati are trying to create, a new world without God and under their control.

The number 8 has another very important interpretation to it, and many treasure hunters have failed numerous times because of their lack of knowledge about this other meaning. The number 8, when found in the “last steps” of a treasure trail means to “double the number you have been given.” Let me give you an excellent example of this “doubling.”

At a recent John site, there was a duck rock map found at the location given, and this duck rock told about how the steps that you were following to the treasure are only correct to the sixth step, that the true 7th step had “ducked-out” on you, which left you following a false trail.

After locating the true seventh step, the duck rock now had to be rotated to give you the bell symbol. This bell symbol has a numerical value of 31, which is the number of feet that you need to measure to get to the treasure room….or is the 31 just a lie?

( editors note: Dign speaks of the numerical value of the Letters, it is simply A =1 , B = 2, etc
so B=2, E=5, L=12. L=12 total is 31 )

Remember that as we leave the 7th step* we are now on our 8th step, and this tells us automatically that we need to “double the final number.” But how do we know that this step is the final step? By doubling the 31 feet (that we get from the bell) we get a new number of 62. Now generally, the number 6 is used as a death trap symbol, etc. However, in this case, we need to convert the 6 to its alphabetical “brother,” which gives us the letter “F.” The “F”, in the latter stages of your treasure steps means “final” or “final step.”

( ed note, the letter F is the 6th letter of the Alphabet)

The 2 (from the number 62) refers us to the letter “B.” As I have stated before the “B” is a closed-up 13, the 13 being another symbol of the owl, the owl being the symbol for treasure, or treasure room. So, breaking down the number 62 into these letters gives us a meaning of “this is the final step to the treasure room.”
I cannot stress enough the importance of understanding the relationship between the alphabet(s) and the number systems. And this relationship is not limited to the English alphabet and number systems.

The “T” symbol, as with ALL other treasure symbols, has different meanings, and these meanings change as you get “deeper” into the treasure codes (as you go from the alpha and get to where you are pin-pointing the treasures location).

First and foremost, the “T” has a numerical value of 20, and this is very important to understand if you are hoping to see success as a treasure hunter. You may have found a simple looking “T” at a site and , failing to understand this numerical importance, you will continue on along the false treasure trail when, in reality, all you had to do was measure 20 feet from the “T” in order to locate your treasure room/mine.

Secondly, (these interpretations are in NO specific order) the “T”, being just as TRICKY as ALL other symbols, means to “cut the measurement given you in half.” So, instead of the twenty feet that the “T” represents (numerically), now you have to drop down to “10.”

Now, remember what the number 10 represents….the “J.” I will not go down this road at this time, but remember that the “J” means to change the direction given (change it to the EXACT opposite direction that you were given).

I have stated that the interpretations of the “T” are in no specific order, however, I must tell you that the following meaning is, by far, the most elaborate and “concealed” interpretation for the letter “T.” This “T” is also indicating that you are about to come upon a diamond formation.

This interpretation of the letter T comes from a star formation, and in this formation you will find that this “T” is actually telling you that once you have located the diamond formation (the formation on the ground which is usually made up of large boulders, etc), that you must measure between two points of this diamond (the two points that you must measure from will be given to you either on a rock map found at the site or on a paper map).
So basically, you have to locate this ground diamond, then measure between two of the diamonds points (halfway) and there you will find something of great importance, maybe even the covered opening.

The “T” can also represent the cross. We know that meaning already so I won’t go into it.
The “T” can also be used to indicate the depth at which you must you must dig in order to locate the sealed opening, especially if this is the main opening (main openings are generally 22 feet deep).

As I stated earlier, the meanings of these symbols change as you get deeper into the interpretations (as you get closer to the treasure). So how do you know when each meaning is needed at a specific time? It is common sense.
If you’re at the main opening and you dig up a rock map with a “T” on it then you know that it’s speaking of depth. Likewise, when at an alpha monument and you find the “T”, chances are you need to go “20 something.” This may mean 20 leagues, 20 varas (to locate a rock map), etc. Again, it all depends upon the signs and symbols found at these monuments, as well as what’s found on the rock map.

If this sounds confusing to you, you’re right at home. It can be very confusing. I have spoken about the need for treasure hunters to understand many different things. If you gain anything from this post, I want to reflect upon the fact that you need to be aware of where you are in your pursuit of the treasure that you seek.
If your at the alpha, then look at the signs and symbols from an “alpha aspect’. In other words, you are not going to find any signs telling you to dig twenty feet under an alpha sign. Put your interpretations onto the same level (the same depth) as where you are on the treasure trail. Are you at the covered opening? Then interpret the signs accordingly. Any signs at this point will pertain ONLY to the depth you need dig, as well as the death traps that you WILL encounter (but that’s another story).

Treasure signs and survey lines

Most of you have heard me say before that the number one reason for a persons failure to locate a treasure or mine is due to the lack of truthful information.
There are many, many books on the subject of treasure signs and symbols, and some authors have been pretty creative in their “solutions” to these treasure markers. And it is one of these “creative solutions” that makes me write this post, hoping to set the record straight before anyone tries to apply this solution to their own treasure site.

The “solution” that I will be discussing has to do with survey lines, or, as the book puts it, “treasure grids.”
It is very true that surveying was an essential part in the making of a treasure map. Whether we are talking about a Church map, KGC map, pirate map, etc., surveying was needed to help ensure that the treasure/mine could be relocated.

You should also understand that this act of surveying at a treasure site was “backed up” with treasure signs and symbols. These signs and symbols are just as important as the survey lines, since it was through these signs that you would be able to confirm that you were, indeed, on the correct path to the treasure. The reason for this “confirmation” process is simple, there are several “false trails” on EVERY treasure map, and if you were to follow one of these false trails, then you would need to know what you did wrong as well as how to correct your mistake and get back on the right track.

Anyway, in this book, which shall remain nameless, the author states that a treasure grid was needed in order to find the treasures that are found by following a “certain” map. This grid was created by surveying line after line after line, until you ended up with a grid that resembles a tic-tac-toe game design. The treasure was supposed to be in the center square of this tic-tac-toe design.

The reason that the author went into this survey design is because he has a Jesse James treasure map that tells you that you must do this in order to find the treasure. The only problem is, the part of the map that tells you to do all of this surveying is, without a doubt, a false trail. It is a trail designed to take you off into nowhere land, and there you will be lost, or, at least you will be far away from the treasure.

Now, as I said, surveying IS a very vital part in the CREATION of a treasure map, and, here is how it works. When making a treasure map, there IS ALWAYS a beginning point given on the map. This beginning (alpha point) is nowhere near the treasures location (the omega point, the treasures location). So, what happens is that you need to know where to go from the alpha, which includes the distances and directions needed for each step of the way.

Getting to this alpha point is not complicated, you simply make your way to this point in whatever way that you can.

From here on out is where you want to pay particular attention because EVERY instruction given on the treasure map from here on out is given in COMPASS DEGREES and EXACT MEASUREMENTS. And folks, this is exactly how surveying pertains to treasure maps. The surveying, in other words, was DONE ONLY ONCE, and that was at the creation of the treasure map that you are holding in your hands. After the creation of the map, every instruction needed to relocate the treasure room or mine was set forth in compass degrees and exact measurements, and there is not one bit of surveying needed in order to relocate a treasure room or mine.

Now, back at the alpha. As I said, this first instruction from the alpha is ALWAYS quite a distance away. Sometimes it’s several hundred feet, sometimes it’s a mile or two or three or four, etc, etc, etc,. My point is this, you really don’t want to try to measure this first distance given. You can if you want, but I guarantee you, it’s a waste of time. All you need to do is this, MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE THE CORRECT COMPASS DEGREE as well as some idea of the distance. Then just start walking in the compass direction given. When you have gone the proper distance, you will find a SIGN OR A SYMBOL, maybe even a large boulder monument, either way a sign will be found that tells you that you are to stop at this point (at that sign or symbol), and that FROM THIS POINT YOU MAKE ANOTHER CHANGE IN DIRECTION, which means that you will also be given another distance to travel.

You will find that when you leave the alpha and get to your next point, your distances will decrease immensely. You may find that from this second point, your next distance to go may be 30 feet or less, and this is when your going to need to start using your tape measure.

I have stated many, many times that once you get the feel for this treasure “hiding and locating” system used by the “family”, you won’t have a need for paper maps. Just think about it for a moment. When following the instructions on the map, you will, AT EVERY POINT where there is a change in direction and distance, find a boulder or some kind of PERMANENT object that will have signs and symbols on it helping you out.

By getting the knowledge and the feel for these maps, you will be able to spot these “helpers” even though you’re just out camping or hiking. And that, my friends, is why I say that you don’t have to have a map to locate ANY treasure, just ability. As long as the treasure or mine has been monumented, and as long as those monuments haven’t been destroyed, and as long as you have the experience, you will be able to find treasure rooms and mines until the cows come home.

I really don’t mind when authors write a book and reveal their “solutions.” Most times they will also reveal treasure maps that are, if nothing else, great to practice your decoding abilities. And at the very best, these maps will lead you to great treasures. Again, I don’t mind these solutions, even though they are false trails, and therefore useless. But what does bother me is when these authors show a phony solution and then make statements about having located treasures by using this solution.

It bothers me for this reason: someone out there, after reading this book, will think that he/she can apply this solution to their treasure site and “hit it big.” And I can guarantee you, if you have used, or are thinking about using this “surveyed treasure grid” technique, then you have not only found NOTHING, but you will never find ANYTHING (using a metal detector doesn’t count).

So, unless you’re really good, treasure rooms and mines of the KGC and these other groups can be found ONLY with a map, a compass, and a tape measure, and by following the signs and symbols that were set up to aid you in your efforts. But again, remember that there are many “false trails” that will try to lead you off course. I guarantee that you WILL “fall into” these false trails. The question is, are you going to be able to get back on the right course, or are you gonna play tic-tac-toe for forty years?Huh

the number 40 and he number 30

In the books written by Charles Kenworthy we are told about the number “40.” He explains how this number can actually be used as a non-number, mainly by confusing you into thinking that 40 feet is a measurement that you must make when in reality the actual distance can be much shorter than 40 feet.

On the reverse side of that thought we have the number 30. This number will be found on paper maps as well as in the field. The number 30 is just the opposite of the 40. In the case of the 30, it is not a measurement that you must make, but instead it is a symbol that you need to locate, specifically, it is the Eagle symbol that you must find.

The letters in the word Eagle add up to 30 and, as you can see, this could cause some serious failure on your part if you try to measure 30 feet. The actual Eagle symbol will be located much further away than the 30 feet that you are measuring and you must locate this symbol in order to move successfully to your next step given on your map or given in code at the treasure site.

( ed note: Another great nugget of information from Dign..)

AS an aside, a friend of mine came in to a written ‘letter’ from a family in Mexico, the letter was dated in the early 1800’s it talked about a sucuessful miner from Spain who had came to Mexico, prospected, and located
an outcropping of gold in quartz. After developing the mine down some 20 feet below the surface, it became richer than ever, with more gold than he could ever use in a life time…as the Mexican revolution was eminent
he packed up his goods, had them shipped back to Spain, covered over his mine, and left the letter for some
family members who were still living in Mexico.
The letter stated go north of this certain village for 40 kilometers look for a certain mountian, there on this mountian you will find some boulders shaped in a particular way..find the stream that flows nearby, follow the stream up to where it splits and follow the right branch. Now look for the spring that comes out of the rock near a large Palo Verde tree..20 paces to the Northeast, stop and dig down 3 feet to find the iron door the closes the entrance..below is 10,000 peso of worked ore, ready for shipment, and some gold coins.

Well my friend traveled the 40 kilometers and never found the particular mountain that was called for in the letter, after a week or so of searching he gave up and returned home to the USA. A few years later, I ran across
Dign post and told my friend of this news, the number 40 was meant as “a time of completion” as in the biblical reference to ” it rained for 40 days and 40 night” or “Moses wandered in the desert for 40 years” wherein the number 40 is not the actual number..but signifying ” enough” as it were. So my friend was to go North of the village UNTIL he saw the correct shaped mountain, intead he simply drove by it , with his attention focues way to far down the trail..good lesson…good decoding of the number 40 by dign,.

in the meantime , life happens and my freind now is married and has 4 kids and not much time for ole Mexico and the adventures of his youth.,.but some day he promises me that we will go once again in to the outback of Durango and look for this mountain and what it may hide.

Those information boulders

Chances are, you have located a large boulder with information on it near a treasure site. It’s common knowledge that there may be info carved on this boulder, but what you may not know about is the fact that many of these boulders have other smaller, partially buried rocks, that surround these large boulders. It’s these smaller rocks that are actually giving you the information to all of the mines and treasure rooms in that specific area.
The large boulder may not have ANY info on it at all (they are set up simply to attract your attention, and to get you to go over to it), but when you climb up on top of these boulders and look at the ground surrounding it, you will see any number of these smaller partially buried rocks. There will be one rock for each mine, etc.

Again, a compass is needed so that, as you stand on this boulder, you can take compass directions to these smaller rocks. And again, take a measurement from the large boulder to these smaller rocks in order to get distance to these mines, etc. Some of these rocks may be close to the boulder, while others may be as far away as 50 to 75 feet or more. Remember, one foot equals (approximately) a hundred yards.
These types of “information centers” are, to me, one of the very best that you can locate, mainly because of the ease in reading the info needed to get you to your treasure/mine. These boulders are, quite literally, a “clearing house” leading the way to billions of dollars worth of treasure and ore.

the BIG picture

There is a problem which occurs with all treasure hunters, and, to be honest, it happened to me. The trick is to recognize this problem and then proceed to break away from it as quickly as possible.

The problem that I am speaking of is what I call “local mentality.” Local mentality occurs when, as treasure hunters, we find treasure signs and symbols in our “backyards”, or more specifically, in our local areas. What happens is that we tend to think of our local treasure sites as “individual” sites, sites that are unique and separate from other treasures around the country, with their own signs and symbols, etc. We don’t look at these local sites as being a small piece of a very large puzzle. We don’t realize that we have is a small piece of the “Big Picture.”

As your ability with deciphering treasure signs and symbols increases, this big picture will reveal itself to you. This revealing comes in bits and pieces, but soon you will be able to put enough of these pieces together to view this system of treasure signs and symbols for what it truly is. And the truth is, no matter what kind of treasure you are hunting for, whether it is Spanish, Church, Pirate or KGC treasure, you will be using the SAME EXACT SYSTEM FOR EACH. This using of the same system shows a “big picture” that involves all of these different “groups” working for the same “family.” ~~~
Words of wisdom, from a man who knows, and knows enough not to fall into the silly trap of posting
on daily fines..hahaha that is for coin shooters. Not treasure hunters. Silly little girl.

“take me Spanish caravan – yes I know you can – to the silver and gold in the mountains of Spain”..the Doors

Some of you have no doubt located the “W” monument at your site. The W is nothing more that an upside-down “M”.
The M is a symbol of the owl (owl of Minerva).
When locating a W, remember that the W has a numerical value of 23. The 23 translates back to the letters “B” and “C”.
The B, as I stated before, is a “closed up” 13, which is another symbol of the owl. We have two indicators for the owl, so we know that we will locate a treasure room at the end of the trail.
The “C” is the Roman Numeral for “100.” Put all of this info together and you get, “From this “W” go 1300 feet to the treasure room location.” Which direction do you go? There will be signs there, at the “W,” telling you which direction to go.

As I dig into other website and uncover more of Digns wisdom, I will make additions ( in this section)to this very post. so that his data can be displayed for quick reference and your student workbook! Without the interuptions and hijacking that is sure to follow by the bad actors, i mentioned above.
IN light of posting about the basics I want to post what to look for in terms of confirmation signs.

Mother nature can morph phantasmagorical shapes with rock and stone, with wind, water and time, that may accidently look like some animal or critter. The Jesuits knew this, and used it to hide and keep hidden there very valuable mines and caches. I call this back ground camouflage, what separates out this background, shapes, that lull you into doing what amounts to ‘cloud reading. Confirmation. With subsequent signs we only have “art” pics, not Treasure Monuments. What is confirmation and how does it work? The following will help you get started.

1. Take photos, but take them at the correct time, otherwise the will not help you at all.
2. Take all phots from 11am – 1pm, with your back to the sun, NO errant shadows please
3. Look for the break or hole in the stack of boulders, this is called a Hoyo, this is Spanish
for hole and is the Number one confirmation used by the Jesuits and the Spanish!
Stand square to this hoyo, that is stand where you see the most of the sky exposed thru
this hole, as if you are off to one side or the other you can ‘distort’ this hoyo! The hoyo is
really a type of ‘data center’ as it shape will tell you huge amount of information that you need
to get to the Omega and the goods.
4. The very shape shape of the Hoyo will tell you what to look for or where to go to proceed
The purpose of the Alpha according to Dign is two fold Distance & Direction!
5. Once you locate the Omega, this is be much more subtle and obscure. In certain cases I have
found ‘ground hoyo’, where you do not see the sky thru the hole but the ground instead!
Here you will be given the cluse thru confirmation makes of the final locations of the goods.
It is not always a final geometry, sometimes it is simply a compass heading. That is why it is
critical to good over your pics with a fine tooth comb.
6.On Alpha and Omega Monuments, look for faces, people, or animals, letters or numbers or
combination’s of both, without these you just have pretty pic to post or hang on the wall
7. Dont forget the shadows, the code makers knew we are trained to ignore the shadows and they
hide their most important confimation and clues in these shadows! Fact: All Alphas have a very
distinctive shadow symbol, with out this, your on the work track. They reason is that the shadow
is only visiable for a few hours per day, thus maximum security for accidental sighting, AND this
shadow is only visible for a few months of the year!! A double layer of security overlaying this very
critical aspect of the building of monuments!

Now the meaning of the following signs and symbols are very important and I will include them here..

A. Letters- as in Digns post you can see that he letter encode lots of data and you need tofind
them on your Alpha, without some letter or numbers no real monuments exist.

B. Numbers – again refer to Digs Data, to decode these number, if there are just one number,
it can be a distance, if two or more it can be a compass heading, if it is a combination of letters
and numbers then it is quite possible that you have a Bible verse..ex. P8 which stands for
Proverbs, Chapter 8.etc. D4, D5, J8

C. Bible verses can contain actual measurements and clues as in J4, but usually I have found that they
are used to give you the tenor or tone of the caches, whether is was done under duress or in tribute
retribution, or lamentation. They are to me the confirmation of the Jesuits, no one but them would
use the Bible as a from of a Code Book. They knew that future generations of the Brethren would
have the key to these puzzles on them at any given time and that the words , in even thru trans-
lation, would not change enough to change the clues. It just makes logical sense.

2 thoughts on “Treasure Signs and Symbols 101”

  1. john sanderson said:

    Sirs, I am currently in west Tx. on the Tx./Mexican border doing some field work and have come across some rock writings that I believe to be from the spanish exploration period. Could you tell me if there is someone that I can e-mail pictures of these to that could help me in determining their meaning and if treasure related. I have also found some old iron items and shell casings from the area and could use some assistance in determining what they are, what time period, etc.
    Thank you for your help.

  2. Dave Marsden said:

    I’d like to speak with you please regarding an m all by itself

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